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Sunday, September 27, 2009

News: Still Alive

This was a triumph....

no, this is not the credits song for Valve's Portal. It is my TRIUMPHANT CRY OF RETURN!

I can hear "oh noes" ring out in the crowd, but yes folks, I am back. You see, for the last couple of months that I have been on hiatus, I have had the chance to catch up with university, and focus on things like studies (urk) and other such things. But all the whilst, I have been playing games as usual, and I've still had the itch to talk about it.

I even started a Twitter page to see if I could cure that itch with bite-size comments, but seriously, trying to talk about Batman: Arkham Asylum in 140 characters is no easy feat. Sigh.

So yes, I am back. Indefinitely with posts irregularly updated, but still nonetheless, better than nothing.

So what have I been up to of late?

Since my disappearance off the face of this earth, I have played a lot of games, from Fuel, Call of Juarez, LEGO Batman, Wolfenstein, Secret of Monkey Island, Section 8, Resident Evil 5 and most recently Batman Arkham Asylum, Sacred 2, and also Tropico 3.

All I can say is that Batman: Arkham Asylum is a sweet, sweet game, and it is finally great to see a faithful comic-to-game adaptation that doesn't half-suck. In fact, it is probably the greatest superhero game I've ever played... ever.

Wolfenstein is all shooty, and a lot less brainy that I'd expected a next-gen Wolfenstein to be, but it was entertaining. Kinda' like G.I. Joe the movie, unexpectedly fun but still the sort you'd leave your brain at the door for.

As much of Tropico 3 I've played so far, it's pretty entertaining, but I noticed that the game's limitations start to show after 3 hours or so. Campaign mode is fine with all the objectives giving you a direction, but the sandbox mode is over once you've built everything and can manage your population pretty simply. Oh well, let's see how it goes.

Finally, let me just say Resident Evil 5 sucks. So bad it hurts. Capcom just shot itself in the face with this 'un.

I am also working on a research paper for university which is based on looking at what factors make Left 4 Dead a significantly successful game in this day and age. I'll be arguing about things like its cooperative component, the familiarity to the B-horror genre, amongst other things. I'll be updating you folks on my findings later on.


Finally, a reason to get back into Left 4 Dead! The DLC Crash Course will be released tomorrow. A multiplayer-focused map, although it can be played through cooperative, which I shall be doing so with friends soon!

I have to say, it's great to be back.

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