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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thinky stuff: Review scores

This blog is just a little over a year old. A feat in itself as I've always dropped off interest after a short while, with many of my older blogs. But I love this blog because I get to objectively and honestly talk about the thing I love most, video games.

I've done a number of reviews over the year and hope to keep writing some more, but I've always had trouble giving an objective score. Sometimes my write-up might portray a game in an average to poor light but the score reflects something higher than that. Or so I have been informed by friends a few times.

This is normally what I do with scoring: I compare how the game fares in individual categories (i.e. graphics, gameplay, sound) to other video games like it. But I came to realize that the final score may not even be the best reflection of my opinion on the game. Also, I know there will be those who skip to the end of my review just to see what score I gave it. I'd rather people take the time to read the words I've slaved over which not only shows appreciation for my work, but will do the game justice.

I was reading several interesting articles about review scoring (here, here, and here) and how even the most reputable gaming websites don't use the full 1 - 10 scoring range, instead employing a more skewed-towards-niceness 6 - 10 range. Some see 7/10 as a really decent score, a game still worth playing, although in my mind, that number represents a game that your time should not be wasted on unless there really is nothing else to play. And 6, well that's shite. But it's still confusing though; I never use 1 - 5 because subconsciously, I'm thinking as long as a game is playable, it should get above a 6. Rock Paper Shotgun on the other hand doesn't give scores on their reviews because 1. it's confusing and 2. they believe they aren't the be-all, end-all authority worthy of giving final scores.

Hence, I believe I shall take the same approach from here-on out. If you visit my blog now, you will notice that all my reviews have had their scores removed. I want to encourage people to read my words, and I want to be honest that I am not well-positioned or experienced enough to be giving scores. Furthermore, it takes a huge weight off my shoulders because scoring a game, truly is like making the final word on it. And that's a heck load of responsibility.

You have no idea how many nights I'd worry about the latest games I'd scored, whether or not it was spot on with the game's worth. But all that's over now with this change. I'm glad because it also means my blog is growing in maturity.

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