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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

News: New vids for new games

LOLZOR, after the whirlwind of excitement at the Spike TV VG Awards, some new trailers for new games coming in 2010 were released. HERE THEY ARE, for your enjoyment.


Kane & Lynch: Dog Days

I haven't played the first Kane & Lynch, but from what I've read, the first was a cinematically brilliant game, if only let down slightly by wonky combat. But after watching this trailer for number two, I think I might just go and play the first one after all. This has the makings of some gritty-ass movie-game. And don't forget, a live-action movie of Kane & Lynch is in the works, starring Bruce Willis. Action man of the decade. No one does Die Hard like Brucey.

Spec Ops: The Line

I don't know what to make of this. It looks exciting, but it also at the same time has the potential for being absolutely bland. Because of the whole "stand there and shoot at all the stationary enemies who don't appear smart enough to take cover". But I like the whole sand dynamically shifting terrain thing. Then again, using that one gimmick to pull the entire game forward can also cause major fail. We shall see. Don't like the guy trying too hard to be all intellectual-villain though.

Batman: Arkham Asylum 2

Maybe Warner Bros is riding on the success of the first Arkham Asylum to quickly churn out the second. But even if the trailer says "Arkham Asylum has moved", does that mean we're still going to get the exact same gameplay, bar different environments? Well, that's no fun is it. And *SPOILER ALERT*, didn't we already kick Joker's ass at the end of the first one? Give us a new bad ass boss before we get Joker back in the picture. But that's just my cynicality speaking. It may turn out to be even bigger and awesomer a game than the first one. Or not.

Medal of Honor: Reboot

EA are not stupid. They've been around just as long as Activision. So why shouldn't they get a piece of the mega pie that Activision just ate up thanks to Modern Warfare 2? So whilst Activision is gloating in front of the press for their shooter-of-the-year, EA have been secretly tinkering away in their backrooms making their own modern war shooter, aptly titled Medal of Honor. Why? Because everyone knows that MoH was the granddaddy of war shooters before they tanked with some titles.

So hopefully this new MoH Modern Warfare is as good as it sounds, it being based on a REAL campaign in the Middle East, and not all made up like CoD's. The graphics doesn't look as awesome as Modern Warfare's though... but we shall see.

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