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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Incredible HULK RIP 234MB (IDWS)

The Incredible Hulk, based on the 2008 film of the same name, is a 3rd person open world game that focuses on the Hulks incredible physical strength. The game allows the user to control Hulk in a large recreation of New York City allowing Hulk to smash cars, buses, lamp posts, and even entire buildings using a combination of jump attacks, charge attacks, and punches.
After destroying cars and buildings pick up debris and us it to smash even more. The story mode follows Hulk and Rick Jones on their quest to stop an evil organization called the Enclave, the Army, and to rid Banner of his alter ego, the Hulk.

Standard control configuration uses the left analog stick to move Hulk, the right analog stick to pan the camera 360 degrees around, and the face buttons to perform punches, jumps, and grabs. The game features hundreds of collectible items, some of which unlock bonus art, unlockable special characters, and numerous mini games.

2.Run setup.bat
3.Launch Hulk.exe to play the game.a


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