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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Thinky stuff: Quantum of Solace Played and Boreded

I had a go with Quantum of Solace for a bit. Basically, an uninspiring shooter that had too much shooting and little of the intrigue that is Bond. You'd think that Treyarch put all their attention into Call of Duty: World at War that Quantum of Solace was the retarded cousin they entertained once in awhile.

From early previews of the game, Treyarch promised a movie tie-in that was to be relevant, with scenes that took place in-between those in the movies, but there were definetly some bits they adapted and made worse. For instance, the espionage bit with Bond going into the opera house, changing tux, and snapping photos of the bad guys in cahoot amongst the crowd... they turned that into a shootout at an empty opera house. Horrible, and not at all what 007 is about.

I didn't play long, I got horribly saddened. They had the nice trademark opening credits all flashy with a totally original song, but it just went downhill from there. Everything felt like a sequence, with no dynamic A.I. and no realistic physics (a necessity I believe in games today). Plus, the graphics were so cartoony in comparison to World at War. A waste of hard drive space. If you want Bond excitement, just stick to the films.

First Silent Hill, now this. I have to stop choosing crap games to entertain myself with. Let's hope Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway is a lot more promising.

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