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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

News: Video games trailers GALORE [Bumper Edition] Part 2

It's not my birthday anymore ): sadface, but that doesn't mean I can't send my love out into the world in the form of VIDEO GAME TRAILERS.


Natural Selection 2

I honestly never played much of the first Natural Selection (which was a Half-Life mod). But the idea of melding RTS with team-focused FPS sounds like good fun. Provided people listen to the commander or whatever.

Also, I like games that have humans vs monsters. Aliens vs Predator was supposed to be the game to do that, but it was disappointingly bad. As opposed to entertainingly bad, which would be tolerable but not horrific. Anyway, this is definitely one to look out for. The graphics are nice.

Battlefield Bad Company 2: Vietnam

Oh noes! Of course, Dice had this planned for awhile now, and nooo, its release had nothing to do with Black Ops which is also set in Vietnam. BF Bad Company 2 Mouthful was not bad for an epic scale war shooter, but running to your death every so often and not having that individualized competitive feel that Call of Duty taps into so well meant I stopped playing after awhile.

The Vietnam expansion pack essentially reskins the game plus throws in some new maps which look more jungley. But an epic scale war in Vietnam sounds like a good time (not the real war of course, because that was not fun for a lot of people).

PS. Unlike the other games in this post, BFBC2: Vietnam is already out.

Dragon Age 2


Yes. I'm excited for this. IN THE SAME WAY I AM FOR MASS EFFECT 3. So yeah, I'm totally Bioware's bitch right now.

Only thing that I'm a bit wary of is DA2's new art direction, which is supposedly a lot simpler and stylistic as compared to the heavy duty detail of Dragon Age 1. Also apparently, fully voice acted characters. As long as I get to fool around with different girls, make them angry, and then instantly happy again with gifts, then this game will win.

Batman: Arkham City

Grouchyman is back. He's tearing his hair out that no matter how many bad guys he puts away, they keep breaking out of jail and his life is one big never-ending vicious cycle. One day, he will realize this and go away to the mountains to meditate. Screw Arkham City, it can ROT for all he cares.

But not Batman. He just keeps going. He's cooler than everybody, richer than everybody and beefier than everybody.

I like Batman Arkham Asylum, the combat system was slick and fluid, and dropping down on bad guys from gargoyle statues never gets old. Now we're letting the Bat out in the big city. Then we'll have a surprise reveal to find that Christopher Nolan is directing this game. That would rock.

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