Dial *123# to see your creditbalance. Dial *110# and follow theoptions.Dial *109*9898631902# to displaythe call cost after each call.

To send an sms to a fax machine(vodafone) put 9741 then the fax nothen send. You'll get a confirmationtext about 5 mins later.If you key *#104# and press callyou will get a number beginning with44 replace that 44 with 0 then dialthe rest of that number into anyphone - it's a direct line to yourvoicemail you can even divert callsto it.Get through to customer servicesfree by dialling 1611.For Vodafone UK users, if you press*#105# then call you can check thestatus of when your account was lastupdated.To know where the nearesttransmitter in your area, press*#102# and call.If not works try*#105# (Vodafone).Type *#147# to display the lastnumber that called with the timeand date of the call aswell whenphone was on/off..On portuguese Vodafone call 1799 toreceive a message with your creditbalance, call *#100# to the samething call *#102# to see your lastcall*#103# gives you the time and dateVodafone, quick scratch card top-up, type *#1345*topupcardnumber#and you will see your new balance onyour display! If you press *#1345#you can see your balance on screen.Type *#31# / *#30# / or *#102#to get the price duration andnumber of your last call.Cell broadcast: 050 to display localarea code and postcode.Free voicemailing! Call 70612 andenter your phone number and voicemail password.

Type *#61# and press call - Checkredirection status.Cancel all redirections: ##002#*43# to activate call waiting, todeactivate #43#.If your phone doesn't have incomingcall barring and outgoing callbarring, you can try this.For outgoing call barring dial*33*barcode*# and pres OK. Todeactivate it dial #33#barcode*#.On any phone on any network type in**43# to enable conference calls.You can make up to 7 calls at onceIf you need to block SMS reception(if you are spammed by someone)just press this code:*35*xxxx*16#xxxx is your Call Barring code(default is 0000).To remove this barring type:#35*xxxx#If you want to hide/show your phonenumber when calling, put one ofthese codes below in front of thenumber that you are going to call.(*#30# / *#31# or *31# / #31# )Works on some networks.Typing *0# or *nm# on thebeginning of a txt message givesyou detailed delivery report on somenetworks.. But turn off reports inmessage settings before.When the sim card-pin blocked type**042*pin2 old*newpin2*newpin2*
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